Ylermin päivää vietetään kosteissa merkeissä, mitä säähän tulee. Mitä taas Ylermin nimeen tulee, niin näkyy tuo olevan Eino Leinon, kuvassa, keksimä. Leinon Yle oli ylen ylpeä ja ynseä isäntä, joka kävi hevosineen kerjäämässä verta nokastaan kirkon pyhäinkuvilta.
Testaamme pitkästä aikaa Googlen kääntäjää; näinhän tuo hurja juttu menee sillä murteella:
Ylermi proud to host drove the temple door,
said the church over the ship:
"Täss' is a man born to this,
regrets not making the nor tavota the sky. "
Flagstone wall pakisi,
spoke of the Virgin made of wood:
"Just now, the seed katunet,
when it is tuhkana tupasi. "
Ylermi proud to host kilahutti kilpehensä,
karahutti kankahalle;
saw tuhkana tupansa,
hirsihiilokselta said:
"Lounge and New tehtänehe,
cottage ehompi more."
Ylermi proud to host drove for a medium,
keskiristiltä cursed:
"Täss' is a man born to this,
does not porossa Polvinen,
surustansa suurentuvi. "
Flagstone wall pakisi,
were the words stone Kiesus:
"Just now, oot porossa Polvinen,
when it is vaimos white.
" Ylermi proud to host Murti whip mursunluisen,
karahutti kankahalle; saw a white woman,
said trust lautsallisen:
"The wife tuotanehe second,
wife of former ehompi. "
Ylermi proud to host orhin drove the altar,
herjasi veralta the Lord:
"Täss' is a man born to this,
not murehi mennehiä,
riensi storm flight. "
Flagstone wall pakisi,
Image sued the spectrum of gold:
"Just now, the seed murehit,
when the chicks are insane. "
Ylermi proud to host peitsen hit the floor,
karahutti kankahalle;
saw the boy's mental part,
vyöltä poleaxe met, son,
the father of their own beat tasaksi tanterehen.
Huuti huge mouth:
"The boy second tehtänehe son of former ehompi."
Ylermi proud to host drove orhin battery pin messurahvahan rakohon;
fire tuiski orhin chub,
bright white eyes, more proud host,
seisovaisen sidesaddle.
"Täss' is a man born to this,
anele not amnesty, iron in self-love. "
Voice cloudy jyrähti:
"Just now, the seed anelet,
when sa tullet Tuonen countries.
" Ylermi proud to host felt the floor lahovan,
saw lieskan leimahtavan,
withdrew his bloody sword,
threw kintahan kivehen hand with a cross-lyödyn,
virkkoi yet vierressänsä:
"Before the church kaatunevi the gauntlet of stone irki!
Before the walls murtunevi, as the wall of the finger murene!
Before the time tulkohonkin,
time for the second, more severe,
which does not bow down before kuololle,
not matele Manalle passing. "
Oritta encouraged, flames hit over the golden helmet .
-- There is still a rock gauntlet.
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